Day and TIme:
Tuesdays from 6:00pm to 8:30pm
Investment: $325 (price includes expectant person & 1 support person)
To register pay $75 registration fee (non-refundable) OR Full Class fee
Office & Classroom Location:
503 - 1315 Summit Dr. (Tudor Village)
Kamloops, BC
Please ONLY make payments for classes with confirmed availablity after filling our the registration form. Refund policy is at the bottom of the class page.
Upcoming 4 week Class Schedule on the Class tab:
All sessions take place over the course of 4 Tuesdays, from 6:00pm - 8:30pm - In Studio or Zoom (PHO orders dependent)
4 Week Prenatal Sessions
Week 1: Overview - Stages of Labour & Breathing
Introductions & Overview
Anatomy & Physiology
Stages of labour
Relaxation breathing & Visualizations
Week 2: Comfort Measures, Positions & Preparation
What to bring /pack for labour
Labour support- what does that mean?
Positions for labour & birth
Back labour positions & techniques
Comfort techniques
Week 3: Medical Supports & Procedures
Medications in labour
Medical support & procedures
Cesarean Birth & Induction of Labour
Informed decision-making activities
Week 4 : Birth planning & Post-partum Expectations
Exploring Birth Preferences
Immediate post-partum expectations for new family
Post-partum preparation
Planning for parenthood